Clear Creek Booster Club is a group of parents and community members that supports Clear Creek High School and Clear Creek Middle School in a variety of ways, not just sports.
CC Booster Club’s main fund raising event is the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon. Volunteers work throughout the year to organize, recruit sponsors, register runners and plan this event that hosts nearly 2,000 runners each August.
CC Booster Club provides support to all Middle and High School sports. Booster club purchases uniforms and equipment. We also help with sports banquets for each sport.
CC Booster Club offers $10,000.00 in scholarships to students each year. CC Booster Club helps to pay for many activities throughout the school year such as fireworks at the Homecoming game, Prom, After-Prom the 8th grade field trip and the senior trip. CC Booster Club also supports, Mock Trial, Science Olympiad and “Janus”, Clear Creek High Schools annual literary publication.
CC Booster Club also provides support to teachers and staff by providing meals during parent/teacher conferences and a little TLC during Teacher Appreciation Week.
We are always looking for new members; this is a great way to stay involved with your child’s education during Middle and High school. We invite you to come to a meeting and get to know parents from throughout the county.